Monday, August 20, 2012

Alex Bay 2012 Part 2

Alex Bay Part 2

Note to self: Having a three day vacation is not enough time to do everything that you want to do. Someone remind me of this next year when I'm making reservations please?

I fell in love with the beach when Tony and I lived in Florida...unfortunately we don't have that luxury living in Upstate New York, however we do have these little gems of clear, warm water, and white sandy pieces of paradise. The girls were excited about heading out to the beach.  I'm pretty sure they would live there if I'd let them. We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day, the sun was shinning, the air warm, and the cleansing breeze would hit us every few minutes to cool us down. Who am I kidding, I would have lived there all day if I could have!

McKenzie immediately started looking for shells....

 Even Daddy got involved...

 She found some good ones!

Riley focused on finding rocks...her favorite!

And then she would bury them....

McKenzie's first fishing experience
(Thank you Jess and Jeff for the Spiderman pole...she was estatic to use it!)

Yea, she wore a dress a problem with it?!

After a few practice casts with the rubber fish....she was ready for the "real worms"

She claimed she didn't want to hurt Daddy took care of the icky part

First fish = sunfish the size of a half moon cookie

Kenzie's first fishing experience,....from Riley's perspective

Riley was not impressed with fishing....

 She didn't understand why she couldn't fish off the 10ft ledge drop off like Daddy and Kenzie...

 So she stared me down...

...and tore apart some of the practice worms...(I know gross)

Told me Kenzie "did it"

 ...and then....

 ...gave me... earful about how she couldn't go fishing....and how it wasn't fair....
Maybe next year kiddo!!

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